Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Syndrome

Vogt-Koanagi Harada syndrome, also known as Van Geerd-Kohanama-Hirano disease, is a rare progressive disease of the retina characterized by necrosis of the central cone cells and death of the retinal pigment epithelium. This syndrome usually occurs in young women between the ages of 30 and 40 and is characterized by spontaneous loss of central vision. Often accompanied by changes in other organs, such as the brain, skin, liver and other organs. Treatment may be symptomatic and include steroid injections and surgical reconstruction of the retina, but often leads to serious complications. The syndrome is known for its high severity. The disease is believed to be an autoimmune process associated with a cross-reaction between the immune systems of the eye and the brain. Symptoms of the disease may include sudden loss of central vision, changes in color perception, flashes of light and flickering before the eyes, as well as nausea and headache