A stop needle is a surgical needle with a special rod that has a protruding rim. This allows you to stop further advancement of the needle when inserting it to a given depth into the tissue. The needle has a special eye at the end, which makes it easy to grip when inserting.
Restricted needles are used in a variety of medical fields, including surgery, medicine, and anesthesia. It allows you to accurately and safely administer medications or perform surgical manipulations in tissues, avoiding possible complications.
In addition, a needle with a stop can be used to measure the depth of needle insertion into tissue, which is especially important when performing biopsies or other diagnostic procedures. Thanks to a special rod, a needle with a limiter ensures more accurate and safe procedures, and also reduces the risk of possible complications.
Stop Needle - what is it and why is it needed?
Basics of using needles with a limiter.
In most surgical procedures, an accurate understanding of the depth to which the needle will be inserted is important. Inserting a needle too deep can usually cause tissue damage, while not immersing the needle enough
A stopper needle is a surgical injection instrument designed to prevent unwanted advancement of deeper tissue that may occur when the needle is inserted into the patient's body. There are two types of needles - with an extension limiter and with an open tip.
An ampoule with a thin tube and an extending (transparent) part, empty at the end and sealed with staples in the middle, contains inside a column of water from 5 to 9 cm high, and the number of milliliters filling the ampoule during injection depends on it. The mechanism is simple: the needle pierces the stopper in the container with the medicine and the water begins to pour into itself. Following this, the liquid medicine goes into the ampoule. When it is filled, the syringe is removed and the plug is returned to its place without any effort. Before injection, the medicine is taken one by one into all syringes of the same size, and mixing them is not allowed. By dividing the total volume of the syringe by all