Story About a Toy

Most children have favorite toys - dolls, bears, bunnies. In the evening, before going to bed, the baby is so pleased to feel his faithful friend next to him. Therefore, it is a good idea to make one of the toys the main character of a bedtime story.

Let the child choose the toy he likes and tell a story about it. But an adult must definitely help the child compose a fairy tale. You can start the story like this: “Once upon a time there was a bear named Winnie. He loved to walk in the forest and eat sweet honey...”. Then ask the child: “Who do you think was Vinnie’s best friend? Where did they play together?” etc.

Such questions will help develop the child’s imagination and imagination. It is important to listen carefully to all his ideas and help connect them into a fascinating fairy tale. Joint creativity will bring you and your child very close and will help him fall asleep calmly and joyfully.