
A strobe meter is a device for measuring distance on the ground. It was invented in 1725 by the English scientist Edmund Halley. The name of the device comes from two Greek words: “strabismus” - curvature and “metros” - measure.

The strobe meter consists of two parts: the main block and the ruler. The main unit is a rectangular box, on one side of which there is a mirror, and on the other - a scale with divisions. The ruler has two scales: one with divisions, and the other with marks.

The principle of operation of the strobe is as follows. The device is installed on the ground so that its mirror is directed at the point to which the distance needs to be measured. Then the ruler is applied to the mirror so that its scale is directed towards the mark on the mirror. After this, the ruler moves along the mirror until the mark on the scale coincides with the mark on the mirror.

The distance between the mirror and the mark on the ruler corresponds to the distance to the point to be measured. Thus, the strobe allows you to quickly and accurately determine the distance on the ground without the use of special tools.

Currently, strabometers are used in geodesy, topography and other areas where it is necessary to measure distances on the ground with high accuracy. They are an indispensable tool for engineers, surveyors and other professionals who work outdoors.

Strabometry is a method for determining the cost of work or services. In some cases, this terminology is used to refer to choosing the contractor who can provide the best price for construction services. If you don’t want to pay more, then read on to learn how to determine the cost of work using a strobe meter