Streptostaphyloderma [Streptostaphylodermia; Crnpenmo- + Staphylo(Cocci) + (Pyo)Derma]

Why is it important to know about this type of disease as “Streptophyloderamia”?

Is this scary? What danger can it pose? Let's explore various options.

If superficial lesions occupy large areas and deepen, they may result in the formation of abscesses, ulcers, phlegmon, lymphadenitis, as well as pathological changes in blood vessels. In this case, the structures of the facial and cerebral parts of the skull may be affected, while microbial toxins provoke neurological complications and other complications. The structure of visceral organs may be affected, and this entails further progression of complications. There are also disturbances in the functioning of systems that are associated with impaired secretion of glands (gastrointestinal tract). Sometimes even asphyxia and swelling occur, which causes great harm to health. When pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the bloodstream, ailments such as endocarditis, meningoencephalitis, myocarditis and others can develop. Multiple organ failure may develop. All these consequences from dermatological diseases do not take into account the moral aspect. The patient experiences physical pain. And how much suffering occurs when the infection becomes chronic. You can only imagine. Any infection can become complicated and lead to the development of a number of more dangerous pathologies. This fact cannot be underestimated, because it is important to quickly and competently provide assistance to patients. It is also important to prevent transmission of the disease to others. Therefore, many take preventive measures against infections.

There are also a number of biological, epidemiological and pathological features of streptoderma, caused by the fact that it causes