
Strophulus is an insect that lives in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. It has an oval body shape and a bright color, which helps it camouflage against the background of foliage. Strophulus are predators and feed on other insects such as ants, beetles and butterflies.

Strophulus have long legs and sharp jaws that help them capture and hold their prey. They also have the ability to move quickly, which allows them to avoid danger and find new food sources.

However, strophulus can also be dangerous to humans. Some species of strophulus are carriers of various diseases, such as malaria and yellow fever. Therefore, when working with these insects, it is necessary to take precautions and use protective equipment.

In addition, strophulus plays an important role in the ecosystem. They are natural predators that control the population of other insects and help maintain balance in nature.

Overall, strophulus is an interesting and unusual insect that deserves the attention of scientists and nature lovers.

Straphulus (from the Greek strophe circle, ring) is a skin less than 1 cm wide, produced from fruit skins with thin subcutaneous tissue. Strong and flexible, with good resistance to stretching and tearing, making it ideal for belts, harnesses, bags and gloves.