Stupor Depressive

**Depressive stupor** is a state of extreme depression, which often leads to physical and emotional problems. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of depressive stupor.


Depressive stupor can be caused by various factors, such as genetic predispositions, negative life events, biological changes in the body, the development of diseases, poor diet or chemicals. The symptoms of depression are stuporous and can manifest differently in each person.


The main symptoms of depressive stupor are: decreased physical activity, apathy, loss of interest in everyday activities,

A hopeless emotional state that grips a person, which, in combination with insomnia and a weak desire to live or does not want to live at all, is called depression. This feeling usually describes the depth of depression, but it can be mild or severe in the duration and course of the suffering. Depression is sometimes called universal pain syndrome because depression feels like a tight muscle that feels tight and hurts unbearably.

The depressive reaction does not develop immediately. It accumulates gradually. Why does depression occur when life seems to be happy? Because the energy of emotions is too great, which puts pressure on the psyche, as a result of which everything rushes in one direction - down. But why does life allow some people to suppress emotions, while others fail, most often because they no longer have the strength to cope with emotions and tension. Our curiosity plays on this, generously providing us with information about people who are forced to struggle with depression.

It is difficult to disagree with the fact that depressed mood is one of the most common and difficult illnesses to treat. Depression can be caused by various factors. It could be trauma, stress, insomnia, certain chemicals in the brain, or heredity.