Stupor Manic

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**Manic stupor** is one of the psychopathological symptom complexes of manic states, when emotional discharges take the form of passive inhibition, which manifests itself with all the clinical symptoms of melancholia (stupor, hypobulia, passive drowsiness, etc.).

A psychopathological diagnosis of this condition is made only in cases where inhibition in the form of stupor reaches the degree of complete mental inertia. In these cases, the manic state has features of a sluggish-atonic nature and is characterized by “a mostly rough, monotonous shade of affect, the absence of slight unevenness of its fluctuations”

Manic stupor does not have clear manifestations, so it is quite difficult to identify. Often it is practically asymptomatic and requires an integrated approach to diagnosis and treatment. After the disease is identified, drug and psychotherapeutic treatment is carried out. It is important to remember that manic stupor can lead to serious consequences, so you should not delay in seeing a doctor.