Stuporous State

**Stuporosis** |

_**Stupor**_ (from the Latin stupōsus “numb, dumbfounded”), also _**“stupor”**_ or colloquially **“wood”**, is a psychopathological syndrome characterized by immobility, increased muscle tone according to the “robotopia” type, deterioration in concentration, increasing amnesia, as well as a difficult or absent reaction to external stimuli. With stupor there is no impairment of consciousness, psychomotor agitation or hallucinations. Typically, stupor occurs in a person in response to a single or prolonged exposure to a strong stressor or during a strong affective reaction [1][2]. The behavior of the patient during stuposis determines its essence and main characteristics as a numb state. Based on these parameters, the doctor can quite accurately predict its diagnosis, although errors cannot be ruled out if the external manifestation is mild [3