
Psychodysleptics: Understanding the world of perceptual disorders

In the world of psychoactive substances, there is a whole spectrum of different classes, each of which has a unique effect on our consciousness. One of these classes are psychodysleptics, or, in other words, psychedelics. The term "psychodysleptic" comes from the Greek words "psycho-", which means "psyche", and "dys-", which means "disorder" or "impairment", as well as "lepticos", which translates as "capable of taking, perceiving." .

Psychodysleptics are a group of substances that cause changes in perception, cognition and consciousness in humans. They affect neurochemical processes in the brain, changing the activity of certain neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. These changes in the chemical balance of the brain lead to mental effects such as hallucinations, changes in the perception of color and sound, expansion of consciousness and changes in subjective experience.

The history of the use of psychodysleptics has ancient roots. In various cultures and religious traditions, psychedelic substances have been used for ritual purposes, expanding consciousness and achieving transcendental experiences. For example, Mesoamerican civilizations such as the Mayans and Aztecs used the psychodysleptic mushroom psilocybin in their rites and ceremonies. In Indian culture, there are ancient texts that mention the use of sanguinaria containing dimethyltryptamine for religious practices.

Current research on psychodysleptics suggests that they may have potential in the treatment of some mental disorders. For example, psilocybin, the main active component of the psilocybin mushroom, has been investigated as a possible treatment for depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Research suggests that psychodysleptic medications can help patients experience profound, transformative experiences that may help improve mental well-being and reduce the symptoms of some disorders.

However, it should be noted that the use of psychodysleptics is not without risks. These substances can cause intense mental effects that can be unpleasant or even traumatic for some people. There is also the possibility of mental dependence on psychodysleptics if used incorrectly and uncontrolled.

Therefore, the use of psychodysleptics should be done with caution and under medical supervision. In some countries, psychodysleptics are banned or available only by prescription due to their potentially dangerous effects. It is also important to remember that psychodysleptics are not a panacea and do not replace traditional methods of treating mental disorders, such as psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy.

In conclusion, psychodysleptics are a class of psychoactive substances that cause changes in perception and consciousness. Their history of use includes ancient religious and cultural practices. Current research shows the potential of psychodysleptics as a tool for treating some mental disorders, but their use must be done with caution and medical supervision. It is important to continue research in this area to better understand the potential benefits and risks of psychodysleptics and to use them for medical purposes with maximum safety for patients.

Psychodysletics are substances that can cause hallucinations, delusions, seizures and psychosis. Some of them are banned or controlled in most countries of the world.

The main types of substances and the effects they cause:

Cocaine Induces psychological dependence after several doses. Causes dizziness and disorientation. A drug can either speed up thought processes or slow them down. The effects last for 24 hours. With an increased content of the active substance, incoherent speech may appear.

LSD Promotes the awakening and exacerbation of reflexes, while causing severe nausea and vomiting, accompanied by euphoria. Consciousness becomes fragile to external stimuli, and hallucinations occur. It is important to understand that such sensations can be frightening and unpleasant. Self-hypnosis may occur. In addition, the effect of the medicine lasts for at least 12-15 hours.

DMT Neurotoxin affects the nervous system, stimulating the theta department and causing nightmares. Taking DMT can be very dangerous, so a person does not have the opportunity to use the drug on his own. This substance actively stimulates consciousness and adds vivid fantasy images to it. Under the influence of DMT, a person literally watches himself lose touch with reality. This effect can last quite a long time compared to heavier drugs (up to six hours). Most psychonautics prefer to use DMT as a drug of confidence. However, psychosis is also possible, which provokes hyperarousal and paranoia. Such conclusions follow from the effects of DMT on various body functions and emotional background.