Beta Inhibitor

In the modern world, the concept of “aging” is used in several meanings. Firstly, this is a process as a result of which a material object loses its original properties. Basically, this includes the physical destruction of an object at the molecular level.

Also, in medicine and biology, aging is a set of processes that accompany the withering of the human body and mind. It is observed that the main cause of aging is cellular wear and tear. However, in the process, cells are continuously repaired by replacing old nuclei with active nuclei, assembling cells from dividing cells, and participating in the regenerative healing of organs.

The process of cell repair involves the synthesis of proteins and other macromolecules that form proteins that protect and open the membranes of various types of cells. Proteins required to regulate the assembly and assembly of cell membranes also contribute to increased risk of fibrosis and cancer.

Many patients, including severe cancer patients, receive palliative care, where intensive palliative care is provided to relieve pain and suffering. Opioids are used for these purposes. They are often compared to morphine in terms of effectiveness. However, these drugs only help relieve the symptoms of the disease for a short period of time. Due to a decrease in the synthesis of opioid peptides, the body's response to the introduction of new doses of the drug will decrease.

Today, fundamentally new mechanisms for killing tumors and suppressing pain receptors are being actively studied.