Stiffness, curvature and leprosy affecting the nails

This disease also happens to the nails, mostly due to black bile, which turns them out, tightens them, bends them and affects them with leprosy. Often the cause of this is some substance that reduces the nails, when they want to strengthen them well and are not careful and often touch them, so that the emerging nail comes out in bad shape and continues to emerge in the same form, since the nutrient entering the nail is not found in there is no passage and cannot dissolve in it in both natural ways. It accumulates at the root of the nail and contributes to the disease, becoming, as it were, its source.

Bent and crooked nails are often treated with grease for seven days, then scraped with a piece of glass and repeated until the nail is straightened. Often

When the cause is black jelly, it must be removed if it has spread throughout the body and all the nails have become ugly. Improving nutrition is the most suitable thing for this, and whoever drinks sesame oil and does it constantly will have smoother nails.

If black bile is characteristic of only one nail, then it should be treated with local remedies. Local remedies for this include those that soften the nail and predispose it to peeling and flattening, such as the use of nura and arsenic, which make the nail so that it can be cut with a knife to whatever size you want; frequent application of bandages from the sediment also works Fukka - this makes it easier to level the nail, or, if your hand is impatient, you heat the nail with wax and level it. his. Cypress gum is a good dressing for softening the nail, and flaxseed also works well for tightening it. Rendering lamb fat, if tied to the nail and left for a few days, softens it, and if this does not happen, repeat the dressing until the nail softens and will not be prepared for leveling.