Sublingual Meat

The sublingual caruncle (caruncula sublingualis) is a small muscle located on the lower surface of the tongue at the base of the tongue. It participates in the formation of speech and ensures the mobility of the tongue. The sublingual caruncle also plays an important role in digestion, as it helps swallow food and distribute it along the esophagus.

This muscle consists of two parts: lateral and medial. The lateral part is located on the side of the tongue and is responsible for the movement of the tongue to the side. The medial part is in the center of the tongue and allows the tongue to move back and forth.

The sublingual caruncle has many nerve endings that provide sensitivity to the taste and texture of food. In addition, this muscle is connected to other facial muscles, such as the muscles of mastication and the muscles responsible for smiling.

Insufficient activity of the hyoid caruncle can lead to speech impairment and difficulty swallowing. However, if the muscle is damaged or injured, it can lead to pain, numbness, and even paralysis of the tongue.

To improve the functioning of the hyoid meatus, it is recommended to regularly perform tongue exercises, such as puffing out the cheeks and moving the tongue from side to side. It is also useful to monitor your posture and head position when speaking to avoid overloading the hyoid muscle.

Overall, the sublingual meatus plays an important role in the functioning of the tongue and swallowing, so its health must be carefully maintained.