Court - tubers of satiation

It is the tuber of a plant that resembles leeks and also cereals, but in most countries it is thinner and longer. A good meal is Kufi. Indian tea is said to cause nosebleeds and hair loss.

The best meat is dense, heavy, difficult to crush, fragrant, with short herbaceous parts and very spicy. It is included in patches.

Actions and properties.
It knits a little, dries without burning, even opens the mouths of blood vessels, drives away the winds, burns the blood and is included in plasters. Cosmetics.

Staying nourished improves your complexion and gives your breath a pleasant smell. The Indian look of it is said to reduce hair.

Wounds and ulcers.
Nourishing heals difficult-to-heal, wet and corroded ulcers. Taking terebinth fruit oil helps relieve pain in the side and strengthens the heart. Abuse of food causes leprosy.

Organs of the head.
Eating well is useful against rotting in the nose and mouth, from the gums and from loose gums. It strengthens memory.

Nutritional organs.
It warms the stomach and liver.

Eruption organs.
Saturation removes stones and expels urine and menstruation. It is very helpful against leakage of urine and weakness of the bladder and is beneficial when it is cold. It also affects the kidneys. It is very useful for coldness of the uterus and helps with kidney problems.

Eating well helps against old fevers.

It helps against scorpion and insect stings.