Dry eating

Dry eating is a method used in medicine to study the concentration ability of the kidneys. It consists of eliminating liquid from the diet for a day.

Dry eating is one of the simplest and most accessible methods of kidney research. It allows you to determine how well the kidneys can concentrate urine, that is, how effectively they cleanse the blood of excess fluid.

To carry out dry eating, it is necessary to exclude all drinks from the diet except water. During the day, a person should drink only water or other sugar-free and caffeine-free drinks. You should also limit your intake of salt and other foods that can cause dehydration.

During dry eating, it is important to monitor your condition and avoid dehydration. If thirst appears, you need to drink water, but no more than 1-2 glasses per hour.

Typically, dry eating is carried out for 24 hours, but sometimes its duration can be increased to 36 or 48 hours. The results of the study depend on how long a person can survive on dry eating.

The results of dry eating may vary. It can cause weakness, headaches, and other symptoms of dehydration in some people. But for others it can pass without any problems.

In general, dry eating is a simple, safe and affordable method of kidney research. It allows you to determine how well the kidneys concentrate urine and cleanse the blood of excess fluid.

Dry eating is a restriction of the food intake for a day, excluding the consumption of not only liquids, but also food, except for vitamins.

Dry eating is used to study the concentration ability and filtration function of the kidneys. The technique allows you to determine the ability of organs to absorb and retain minerals in the blood, the ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine, and its volume. In addition, the technique makes it possible to study renal blood flow and its sensitivity to physiological stress. At the same time, severely malnourished people may experience protein starvation, which requires immediate correction. Among other things, dry eating has a number of inconveniences, such as dry mouth, dry skin, headache, cracked lips, as well as nausea and dizziness.