Sum - garlic

There is garden garlic - the famous one, but there is also leek garlic and wild garlic. Wild garlic is bitter and astringent; This is what is called “snake garlic.” The power of leek garlic combines the power of garlic and leek.

It is hot to the third degree to the fourth degree, and wild garlic is even hotter.

Actions and properties.
Soft, strongly resolving swelling, ulcerating and burning the skin; it is useful when changing water.

It is drunk with a decoction of mountain pulegium mint, and it kills lice and nits; it is also rubbed against lice. The ash of garlic, if smeared with honey for bahak or for bruising in the eye, is beneficial. Garlic also helps with “fox” disease, which occurs from rotten juices.

Tumors and acne.
He opens internal abscesses; its ashes are applied to pimples.

Wounds and ulcers.
Garlic ulcerates the skin; Its ash and honey are used for lichen and ulcerative jarab. Wild garlic seals malignant wounds when applied fresh.

Tools with joints.
If you make an enema from garlic, it helps with inflammation of the sciatic nerve, because garlic removes blood and bile juices. Organs of the head.

Garlic causes headaches. Garlic decoction and fried garlic soothe toothache; rinsing with a decoction, especially if mixed with incense, is also useful for toothache.

Organs of the eye.
Garlic weakens vision and causes pimples in the eye.

Breast organs.
Boiled garlic clears the voice and throat, helps with chronic cough and is useful for chest pain from cold. It removes leeches from the throat.

Nutritional organs.
Garlic is useful for dropsy, it especially helps in the form of a decoction with olives and carrots, which is consumed by Christians.

Eruption organs.
If you sit in a decoction of garlic feathers and its stems, it causes increased secretion of urine and menstruation and removes the afterbirth; the same thing if you administer it in the form of suppositories or drink it. Also very useful is the mentioned dish made from garlic, which is consumed by Christians.

If you crush garlic in the amount of one darkhami in water sweetened with honey, it removes mucus and sometimes worms. It has the inherent property of releasing nature, and as for its effect on sexual desire, due to its strong drying and resolving properties it sometimes causes harm. If you boil garlic in water until its pungency dissolves, then what remains in the garlic broth may have little heat, and it will not dry out. Then the substance of the seed can arise from it, and it will transform the mucous juices in the mucous bodies into winds, but will not be able to remove them; when these juices dissolve in the vessels and turn into winds, they may contribute to the desire for intercourse.

Garlic is useful against snake bites and reptile bites if given in wine - we tried this - and also against the bite of a rabid dog. If you make a medicinal bandage of garlic, leaves, figs and cumin water on the area bitten by the shrew, it helps.

Wild garlic is replaced with an equal amount of male garlic.