
Article "Sumetrolim: review of medications"


Introduction: Sumetolim is a combination antimicrobial drug that contains sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. The drug is used to treat infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract, urinary and genital tract, gastrointestinal tract, skin and mucous membranes. It is also used to prevent recurrent bronchial infections. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor depending on the diagnosis and individual tolerance.

1. Indications for use

Infectious diseases caused by susceptible microorganisms, including:

- respiratory tract infections (bronchitis, bronchiectasis, pneumonia, Pneumocystis pneumonia and others); - pyonephrosis; - infectious diseases of the urinary and genital tract; - shigellosis; - bacterial diarrhea; - Pneumocystis infections; - helminthic infestation;

When taking sumetrolim, possible contraindications and side effects should be taken into account.

2. Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications: - increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug; - severe renal and liver failure; - folic acid deficiency; - violation of the synthesis and reserve of folates; - breast-feeding; - children up to 2 months of age for oral administration and up to 6 years for administration of an injection form of sumetrolimny solution. Side effects: - from the digestive system (dyspepsia in the form of nausea, vomiting and various appetite disorders (anorexia), often a feeling of heaviness, discomfort in the abdomen, flatulence, change in the color of stool, sometimes short-term