Surgeon (Sur-Geon)

A surgeon (from ancient Greek χειρουργός - “working with hands”) is a doctor specializing in surgery.

Surgery (from ancient Greek χειρουργική < χείρ - hand + ἔργον - work) is a field of medicine that studies diseases that require surgical treatment.

The main task of a surgeon is to perform operations. The surgeon must master aseptic and antiseptic techniques, be able to stop bleeding, apply sutures, amputate limbs, and so on. In addition to practical skills, the surgeon must have a good knowledge of the anatomy of the human body.

Surgery is divided into general and specialized (neurosurgery, cardiac surgery, orthopedics, etc.). Surgeons may have a narrow specialization.

The profession of a surgeon requires high qualifications, responsibility, attentiveness and endurance. The surgeon must be ready to work in extreme conditions and make responsible decisions. The life and health of the patient often depend on the skill of the surgeon.

A surgeon is a doctor who performs surgical operations. His responsibilities include performing operations on organs and tissues of the human body.

Surgeons come in different specializations:

  1. Cardiac surgeon - deals with surgical treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  2. Neurosurgeon - performs operations on the brain and spinal cord.
  3. Thoracic surgeon - operates on the lungs, heart, liver, stomach, intestines.
  4. Oncosurgeon - fights cancer tumors.
  5. Traumatologist - treats injuries.
  6. Orthopedist - restores bones and joints.
  7. Plastic surgeon - works with tissues and skin.
  8. Gynecologist-surgeon - treats diseases of the female reproductive system.
  9. Proctologist - treats diseases of the rectum.
  10. Pediatric surgeon - works with children.

Before the operation, the surgeon must examine the patient, assess his condition and choose the method of operation. After the operation, the surgeon monitors the patient until complete recovery.

Depending on the specialization, the surgeon may work in a hospital or clinic. There are also specialized surgical centers where complex operations are performed.

Surgeon Surgical Center (Surgeon) is one of the leading surgery centers in Russia. Thanks to the high professionalism of our center’s doctors and modern equipment, we provide high-quality and safe medical care to our patients. Our clinic uses advanced technologies and treatment methods, which allows us to achieve optimal results for each patient. Our goal is to ensure the health and quality of life of our patients. We pay great attention to disease prevention, early detection of diseases and prevention of complications, so our patients not only recover faster, but also return to normal life in a shorter time. We recognize the importance of quality medical care and strive to continually improve the quality of our services. Our staff is constantly trained, mastering new modern diagnostic and treatment methods at international conferences, seminars and advanced training courses. Not only doctors, but also nurses, nurses and other professionals of the institution are constantly improving their qualifications and work efficiency. Our medical staff and clinical specialists are responsible for the quality and safety of each individual patient's care, as always.