Surgery Reconstructive

Reconstructive surgery (syn.: x. plastic, x. reconstructive) is a field of surgery aimed at restoring the form and function of damaged or deformed tissues and organs.

The goal of reconstructive surgery is to improve patients' quality of life by correcting functional and cosmetic defects caused by trauma, burns, surgery, or congenital anomalies.

The main tasks of reconstructive surgery:

  1. Restoring the integrity and function of the skin after burns, injuries, and operations. Various types of skin grafting are used.

  2. Elimination of the consequences of injuries and developmental anomalies of the musculoskeletal system. Osteoplastic operations are performed.

  3. Restoring the shape and function of the mammary glands after mastectomy for cancer. Reconstructive mammoplasty is performed.

  4. Correction of congenital anomalies of the face and skull, such as cleft lip and palate.

  5. Elimination of the consequences of facial injuries and defects caused by tumors.

Thus, reconstructive surgery allows not only to improve the patient’s appearance, but also to significantly restore the lost functions of organs and tissues.

Reconstructive surgery is a field of surgery that deals with the restoration of damaged or missing human tissues and organs. It includes various methods such as tissue transplantation, implantation of prostheses, correction of defects, etc.

Reconstructive surgery may be necessary in a variety of situations, such as after injury, surgery, cancer, birth defects, and other reasons. It allows you to restore organ function and return the patient to normal life.

One of the most common methods of reconstructive surgery is tissue transplantation. In this case, tissue from a donor is used, which is then transplanted into the patient. This can be skin, muscles, bones, cartilage and other tissues. Tissue transplantation allows you to restore damaged tissues and organs, as well as improve the patient's appearance.

Another method of reconstructive surgery is the implantation of prostheses. In this case, the patient is fitted with artificial prostheses that replace missing or damaged body parts. For example, when a limb is amputated, the patient is fitted with a prosthesis that allows him to walk and perform daily tasks.

Correction of defects is also one of the methods of reconstructive surgery. In this case, the surgeon corrects defects in the skin, nose, ears and other parts of the body. Correction of defects can be performed both through surgery and through cosmetic procedures.

In general, reconstructive surgery is an important field of medicine that allows patients to return to normal life and improve their quality of life. It is used in various fields of medicine and can be used both for the treatment of diseases and for cosmetic purposes.