Suture Tendon

A tendon suture (S., placed on a tendon) is a surgical method of restoring the integrity of the tendon, which is used to treat various diseases and injuries. This is one of the most common treatment methods in traumatology and orthopedics.

The tendon suture can be made in various ways, depending on the nature of the injury and its severity. For example, if a tendon ruptures in a small part, the simple suture method can be used, when special sutures are placed at the ends of the damaged section of the tendon. If the rupture occupies a large part of the tendon, then a more complex method may be required - suturing the tendon using special materials such as synthetic threads or implants.

One of the advantages of the tendon suture is its high efficiency. Thanks to proper suturing and the use of modern materials, the likelihood of re-rupture of the tendon after surgery is reduced to a minimum. In addition, this treatment method allows you to restore tendon function in the shortest possible time, which is especially important for patients with serious injuries or diseases.

However, like any other treatment method, tendon suture has its drawbacks. One of them is the risk of complications associated with improper suturing or the use of low-quality materials. In addition, the tendon suture may cause discomfort and soreness for the patient for several days after surgery.

In general, tendon suture is an effective treatment method that allows you to restore the integrity of the tendon and return the patient to normal physical activity. However, before deciding to undergo this procedure, it is necessary to carefully evaluate all possible risks and benefits, and also consult with an experienced trauma surgeon.

Tendon suture

A tendon suture (Tendinous suture) is one of the most common treatments for tendon injuries. When a tendon becomes damaged, it can become unable to perform its functions and lead to loss of muscle strength and range of motion. In such cases, the only option is surgery - the application of a tendon suture, which allows you to restore the integrity of the tendon and return the patient to the ability to perform the usual loads.

Performing a tendon suture requires a highly qualified surgeon. The operation is performed in a specialized operating room equipped with modern equipment and instruments. The tissues are pre-anesthetized, which reduces the risk of pain during surgery. The surgeon makes an incision, cuts into the joint capsule and prepares the required section of the tendon. The section of the incision required to suture the tendon is divided into equal parts, and each of them is strengthened with a special thread. Next, the tendon structure is sutured and checked for symmetry. After this, subsequent actions are performed aimed at correcting or restoring the joints.

The success of the operation, performed by an experienced surgeon, significantly increases the likelihood of restoration of function of the repaired tendon without further destruction of the cell. This may require a period of rehabilitation, including a set of exercises and procedures to restore full strength and freedom of movement to the affected tendon.

However, it is worth considering that tendon surgery