Narrowing of the pharynx and difficulty swallowing

Narrowing of the pharynx occurs either from a cause in the esophagus itself, or from a cause in a neighboring organ. As for the cause in the esophagus itself, it is either a tumor, or excessive dryness of the esophagus, or drying out of fluids in it due to fever or other reasons. Or it occurs as a result of some kind of extreme disorder of nature and decline and weakening of strength, especially at the end of acute, malignant, terrible diseases, as well as other diseases. And the reason is in a neighboring organ - this is either the pressure of something pressing, for example, a tumor in the muscles of the larynx, as happens with sore throat and other diseases, sometimes this is also accompanied by shortness of breath, or tumors in the organs of the neck, or an inward deviation of the vertebra, or winds that surround the esophagus and press on it, or spasms or cusses that are about to occur or have already occurred; Constriction of the pharynx often precedes rigor or cusaz. One of our friends experienced difficulty swallowing because something unknown was stuck in his throat. This caused a kind of suffocation, and the patient was attacked by nausea. He erupted a lot of worms that looked like snakes, and after their eruption it became easy to swallow, the suffocation went away, and the patient realized that the cause of all this was the worms stuck in the throat.

Signs. If the cause is the vertebrae, then this is indicated by increased narrowing of the pharynx, when “the patient lies on his back, and when swallowing, pain is felt near the displaced vertebra. And if the cause is a weakening disorder of nature, this is indicated by the slowness and sluggishness of swallowing with a low speed of food passage through all the way and the absence of pain, unless, of course, the disorder of nature has occurred in some part of the esophagus that facilitates swallowing.Then the esophagus narrows in this place, and the patient feels that the swallowed food is stuck there.

If the cause is a tumor, then the esophagus narrows near it, and it causes pain in this place; with a hot tumor, in most cases the case does not occur without fever, although it is most often not very strong. If the tumor is hot, fever and thirst also indicate this, but when the tumor is not hot, there is no fever. Sometimes the cause of a narrowing of the pharynx is an abscess, and it is not so hot. Then a slight pain is felt and at times there is a tremendous chill and fever. Often the tumor collects pus and breaks through, and the patient vomits pus; the phenomena caused by the tumor then pass and the disease turns into an ulcer. Difficulty in swallowing, which precedes cusazus and rigor, is indicated all the mentioned signs.

Treatment. If the cause is a tumor or displacement of the vertebra, then treatment consists of healing these diseases. When the cause is a disorder of nature, that is, a burning, burning and heat is felt in the lining of the mouth, one should apply cakes made from cold squeezed juices and medicines to the area between the shoulder blades, or give them a sip and drink sour arc and the like. If the disease occurs due to coldness of nature, and this happens most often, then it should be treated with warming medicinal dressings used in the treatment of a cold stomach, oils and rubs mentioned in the corresponding paragraph, as well as balsam oil, radish oil, oil with musk and the like oils. They also apply bandages with beaver stream, usshak, myrrh, common horehound and similar medicines; A bandage of one beaver stream also helps. And if the reason is the humidity of nature, which greatly loosens the esophagus, this is recognized by the complicity in the disease of the lining of the mouth and tongue, then use fragrant medicines with astringent and warming properties, having previously cleansed and corrected the stomach, if necessary. These are narpmer, roasted anise, both bahman, sumbul, spikenard, Indian sadaj, frankincense and its powder, and myrrh. If you need to add stronger warming and cold astringents to these medicines in order to weaken the warming coldness of cold and very drying astringent medicines, for example, roses, pomegranate flowers and the like, then do so; in my opinion, ferula stinking is very useful for this disease. If the cause is dry nature, then do the opposite and use moisturizing, naturally balanced licking medicines, soft-boiled eggs, fat, butter, bone marrow and treat the whole body and stomach; the fact is that the nature of the esophagus in most cases follows the nature of the mouth of the stomach.