Fistula Branchiogenic

Branchial fistula (fistula brachio-gena; synonym: branchial fistula) is a pathological formation that occurs as a result of impaired development of the branchial arches and the formation of the branchial apparatus.

Branchiogenic fistula can be either congenital or acquired. Congenital fistula is a consequence of anomalies in the development of the branchial arch, which can occur at different stages of embryogenesis. Acquired fistula can occur due to various diseases and injuries of the gill sacs and arches.

The pathogenesis of branchiogenic fistula includes a disruption of the formation of gill sacs and arches, as well as a disruption of their connection with other structures of the neck and head. This can lead to the formation of a fistula, through which secretions are released from the gill system.

Clinical manifestations of branchiogenic fistula can be different. They may manifest as pus discharge from the neck, difficulty breathing, bad breath, cough and other symptoms.

Diagnosis of a branchogenic fistula includes radiography, computed tomography and ultrasound. Other diagnostic methods such as biopsy and cytology may also be used.

Treatment for branchiogenic fistula depends on its cause and severity. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove the fistula and restore normal function of the branchial system. In other cases, treatment may include conservative methods such as antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Prevention of branchiogenic fistula consists in the correct development of the fetus and the prevention of possible developmental anomalies. It is also important to monitor the health of the gill system and its functioning to prevent possible complications.

Branchiogenic fistula (fistula branchiogena) is a pathological anastomosis between blood vessels and the oral cavity, which occurs due to injury or an infectious process. It can be caused by various reasons, such as infectious diseases, tumors, circulatory disorders and others.

A branchiogenic fistula can lead to serious complications such as bleeding, infection, and even death. Therefore, it is important to diagnose and treat this disease in a timely manner.

Diagnosis of a branchiogenic fistula includes an examination of the oral cavity, a blood test and other research methods. Treatment may include surgery, antibiotic therapy, and other methods.

In general, branchiogenic fistula is a serious disease that can lead to dangerous consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor your health and consult a doctor at the first symptoms of this disease.