Ligament of the Knee Cruciate Anterior

The cruciate ligament of the knee is one of the most important ligaments in the human body. It supports the knee and allows it to move freely. This ligament consists of several bundles of fibers. Its main function is to connect the femur and tibia at the front of the knee. The Cruciate ligament holds the knee in the correct position, which ensures its stability during movement. In addition, it plays an important role in protecting the joint from injury and damage. However, like all joints, the knee cannot function without lubrication, which is provided by thin synovial fluid. It is thanks to this fluid that the cruciate and other ligaments are not subject to tension and have the necessary properties. Regular physical activity, as well as excessive stress on the knees, can lead to sprain or rupture of the cruciate ligament, which requires surgical treatment. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your health and prevent excessive stress on your knee joints. If you are experiencing knee problems, you need to contact