Auricular ligament

With age, due to the development of muscles and ligaments. If something goes wrong, discomfort arises or tumors, purulent discharge, or an unpleasant odor appear, then you should definitely contact a specialist - an otolaryngologist.

Here are the main ways to treat ear ligaments:

1. Using antiseptic drops to eliminate infection and bacteria. Topical drops disinfect pathological lesions, reduce bacterial activity, and destroy bacteria. Antibacterial drops are also used when “home” therapy is ineffective. After therapy, the doctor may prescribe the use of another solution.

2. Ear massage and infection prevention. It is useful to massage yourself or with a specialist. However, the effect will be better if you contact a professional massage therapist. The purpose of the massage is to restore normal blood flow and normal tone of the ear and its attachment, as well as get rid of lymph stagnation. Additionally, vitamins and medications are administered. 3. Exposure to ultrasound. Already in the initial stages of the disease, it is important to carry out therapy using ultrasound. Phonophoresis, magnetic laser and laser therapy are indicated. It is possible to combine hardware effects with the application of anti-inflammatory, absorbable and analgesic agents. 4. Treatment with antibiotics. The use of antibiotics is necessary only as prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication can complicate the disease and cause microorganisms to become resistant to the drug. The drugs are injected or applied externally to reduce pain and relieve tissue swelling. Amoxicillin is usually used