Ligaments Sacroiliac Dorsal

The dorsal sacroiliac ligaments (lat. sacroiliaca dorsalia) are important structures that provide stability and support to the connection between the sacrum and the ilium. These ligaments play an essential role in maintaining the correct anatomy of the pelvic girdle and ensuring optimal function of the lower spine.

The dorsal sacroiliac ligaments are located on the back side of the sacroiliac joint and are dense fibrous structures. They are formed by collagen fibers that connect the sacrum and ilium, creating a strong ligamentous connection.

The function of the dorsal sacroiliac ligaments is to maintain stability of the pelvic girdle and transfer loads between the sacrum and ilium. They also help prevent excessive joint motion, which can lead to pain and degenerative changes. These ligaments play an important role in maintaining the vertical axis of the body and transferring loads from the spine to the lower limbs.

Damage or sprain of the dorsal sacroiliac ligaments can lead to pain in the lower back and pelvis. Common causes of injury include injury, pelvic rotation, or poor posture. Inflammation and degenerative changes can also cause discomfort and pain in this area.

Various techniques can be used to diagnose dorsal sacroiliac ligament injuries, including clinical examination, plain x-rays, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Treatment for ligament injuries may include conservative methods such as physical therapy, massage, medications, and in some cases, surgery may be required.

In conclusion, the dorsal sacroiliac ligaments play an important role in the stability and function of the pelvic girdle. They help maintain proper anatomy and load transfer in the sacrum and ilium. Damage to these ligaments can lead to pain and loss of function. Early diagnosis and adequate treatment of dorsal sacroiliac ligament injuries are essential to ensuring the health and maintenance of optimal function of the lower spinal column and pelvic girdle.

The sacroiliac ligaments are connective tissue formations that connect the sacrum bone to the body of the ilium. These formations play an important role in maintaining pelvic stability and ensuring normal functioning of the hip joint. In this article we will take a closer look at what a cross is.