Ligaments Interhyoid

Interhyoid ligaments (lat. l. interhyoidea) are paired ligaments connecting the body of the hyoid bone with the horns of this bone. They are located in the sublingual region, between the body and the large horns of the hyoid bone.

The interhyoid ligaments perform a number of important functions. First, they provide mobility to the hyoid bone, allowing it to move up and down during swallowing and speaking. Secondly, these ligaments hold the hyoid bone in its correct anatomical position. Finally, the interhyoid ligaments protect and stabilize the neurovascular bundle that passes under the hyoid bone.

Thus, the interhyoid ligaments play an important role in ensuring normal mobility and functioning of the hyoid bone and its surrounding structures. Damage to these ligaments can lead to problems with swallowing, speech, and breathing.