Sympathalgia Ascending

Sympto-algia ascending

**Sympathalgia** ascending - (sympathalgia ascending sympat + algos) is one of the variants of expansion of the canal of Hereviger's syndrome. It refers to segmental defects of the nervous system in the form of a neurotrophic process. A feature of this defect is the chronic strengthening of afferent sympathetic and sympathetic parasympathetic fibers, which leads to a certain change in the biochemical structure of tissues and thus reduces their viability. Functional blocks of neurons are formed. The diseases are characterized by a mild clinical picture: symptoms may vary, but often

Sympathetic dysfunction of the ascending link of the sympathetic nervous system (ANS) (ascending type sympathalgia, SVT). The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is located in the chest and abdominal cavities and is divided into two sections - descending and, in fact, coordination, which regulates the activity of internal organs through local adrenergic impulses to the smooth muscles of blood vessels and the heart, the digestive canal and the respiratory system. SNS disorders often begin in childhood and adolescence or adulthood. Among them are tension headaches of a pulsating, tightening and squeezing nature (“hoops”, “vice”); cerebrocerebral (types of neuralgic pain, widespread throughout the head, of a constant nature), algic (pain of unknown origin along the nerve trunk), facial, cervical, gastroenterological (cramping pain in the abdomen - often in the iliac region) and other options. In most cases, they precede vegetative disorders observed in gynecological diseases, Itsenko-Cushing's disease (a severe form of adrenal disease), migraine with aura, pathology of the cervical spine, hyperthyroidism (a disease of the endocrine system caused by increased secretion of thyroid hormones and characterized by mental stimulation, cardiac weakness, mild excitability, disturbances of autonomic regulation, as well as metabolic changes), etc.