Sympatholytic agent

Sympatholytic is a medicinal substance that is opposite in its action to the action of the sympathetic nervous system.

Guanethidine and methyldopa block the transmission of impulses along adrenergic nerves; These drugs are used to reduce high blood pressure.

The alpha-blocker phentolamine blocks alpha-adrenergic receptors, causing, among other things, dilation of peripheral blood vessels; the drug is used to treat various circulatory disorders, as well as to reduce high blood pressure.

The beta blocker propranolol selectively blocks beta adrenergic receptors and acts primarily on the heart.

Sympatholytic drugs are drugs whose action is opposite to the action of the sympathetic nervous system. Guanethidine and methyldopa block the transmission of impulses along adrenergic nerves; These drugs are used to reduce high blood pressure. The alpha blocker phentolamine blocks alpha adrenergic receptors, causing dilation of peripheral blood vessels; it is used to treat circulatory disorders and hypertension. The beta blocker propranolol selectively blocks beta adrenergic receptors, preferentially affecting the heart.

Sympatholytic is a medicine that reduces the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which can help lower blood pressure and improve circulation.

One of the most common Sympatholytic agents is guanethidine, which blocks the transmission of impulses through the sympathoadrenal system. This helps lower your heart rate, reduce muscle tension and reduce adrenaline levels in the blood. Methyldopa also has a sympatholytic effect, blocking the transmission of nerve impulses in the body.

Another Sympatholytic drug is phentolamine, which blocks alpha-adrenergic receptors. This allows the peripheral blood vessels to expand and improves blood flow in organs and tissues. Phentolamine is used to treat circulatory problems and may also lower blood pressure.

Beta blockers such as propranolol may also have a sympatholytic effect. These drugs block beta-adrenergic receptors in the cardiovascular system, which lowers the heart rate and reduces the heart's need for oxygen. Propranolol can also be used to treat hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.

Sympatholytic agents may be useful for patients with hypertension, coronary artery disease, cardiac arrhythmias, and other cardiovascular diseases. However, before using these medications, you should consult your doctor and follow his recommendations.