Nasal Concha Medium

Middle turbinate: anatomy, functions and diseases

The turbinate media, also known as concha nasalis media, pna, bna or jna, is one of three nasal conchas located in the lateral walls of the nasal cavity. The nasal turbinates play an important role in ensuring the normal function of breathing and smell in humans.

Anatomy of the middle turbinate

The middle nasal concha is an osteochondral structure formed by the turbinate bone and periosteal cartilage. It is shaped like a crescent and is located between the inferior and superior nasal conchas. On the surface of the shell there are many small depressions and projections called nasal passages. These passages allow you to increase the surface of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and ensure the normal function of breathing and smell.

Functions of the middle turbinate

One of the main functions of the turbinate media is to increase the surface of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity to improve the exchange of gases between inhaled air and blood. The nasal passages, located on the surface of the shell, filter, humidify and warm the inhaled air before it passes through the lungs. The turbinate media also plays an important role in the sense of smell, as it contains many receptors for the olfactory mucosa.

Diseases of the middle turbinate

Various diseases can affect the function of the middle turbinate. One of the most common diseases is chronic rhinitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. This can cause the mucous membrane to thicken and narrow the nasal passages, making it difficult to breathe through the nose. Another common disease is polyposis rhinitis, which is characterized by the formation of polyps on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and can lead to impairment of the sense of smell and breathing.

In conclusion, the turbinate media plays an important role in maintaining normal respiratory and olfactory function. Various diseases can affect its function, so it is important to monitor the condition of the nasal cavity and seek medical help if any problems arise.