Immunoglobulin Antirabies

Rabies Immunoglobulin: An important drug for the prevention of rabies

Rabies immunoglobulin is an important medical drug used for the prevention and treatment of rabies, a dangerous disease caused by the rabies virus. This drug has the international name "Antirabies Immunoglobulin" and is widely used in Ukraine.

Manufacturer country

Rabies immunoglobulin is produced in Ukraine by the company Biolek - Kharkov enterprise for the production of immunobiological preparations. This company specializes in the development and production of high-quality immunobiological products, including immunoglobulins.

Pharm Group

Rabies immunoglobulin belongs to the pharmaceutical group of immunoglobulins. Immunoglobulins are a group of antibodies that are produced by the body in response to infections or vaccinations. They play an important role in the immune system and are able to fight pathogenic microorganisms.

Synonyms and dosage forms

Rabies immunoglobulin from horse blood serum is presented in the form of a liquid protein solution with a concentration of 10%. It contains antibodies obtained from horse blood serum that are specifically aimed at combating the rabies virus.

Application and effectiveness

Rabies immunoglobulin is used to prevent rabies after possible contact with an infected animal. In case of a bite from an animal that may be infected with the rabies virus, the drug is injected around the wound and intramuscularly. This helps prevent the development of rabies in humans.

Rabies immunoglobulin works by neutralizing the rabies virus and provides temporary protection against the disease before the body's own immune system can develop full immunity. The drug is usually used in combination with a rabies vaccine to provide longer-lasting and more effective protection.


Rabies immunoglobulin is an important drug for the prevention of rabies, a dangerous viral disease. It is produced in Ukraine by the company Biolek - Kharkov enterprise for the production of immunobiological preparations and is a liquid solution of a protein form with a concentration of 10%. The use of rabies immunoglobulin after possible contact with an infected animal helps prevent the development of rabies in humans by neutralizing the virus. It is usually used in combination with a vaccine to achieve longer-lasting and more effective protection.

Anti-rabies immunoglobulin, produced in Ukraine, is a high-quality product produced by Biolek - a Kharkov enterprise for the production of immunobiological preparations. This company is committed to maintaining high manufacturing standards and ensuring the safety and effectiveness of its products.

Rabies immunoglobulin from horse blood serum plays an important role in protecting people from rabies. Its use can save lives and prevent the spread of this dangerous disease. In this regard, rabies immunoglobulin is an integral component of rabies prevention and control programs in Ukraine and other countries.

It is important to note that before using rabies immunoglobulin, consultation with a medical specialist is necessary, since the dosage and regimen may vary depending on the specific situation and individual needs of the patient.

In conclusion, rabies immunoglobulin is an important drug that helps prevent people from developing rabies after possible exposure to an infected animal. Thanks to manufacturers in Ukraine, such as Biolek - a Kharkov enterprise for the production of immunobiological drugs, this drug is available and can save many lives.