Symptom of the Valve of the Ureteropelvic Segment

The LMS symptom is a clinical sign that is observed in a number of pathologies of the urinary system and includes symptoms associated with compression of the ureters in the renal pelvis. Usually this symptom is associated with developmental abnormalities or the presence of stones in the ureter and renal pelvis, which can lead to disruption of the outflow of urine from the urinary system.

Normally, the ureter passes through the renal pelvis without causing any stress or symptoms. However, with abnormal development of the urinary tract or in the presence of stones, the ureters can become obstructed in the pelvis, impairing urination. Urine accumulates in the pelvis of the affected kidney and collects in the calyces of the kidney (urinary stones), causing an attack of pain in the lumbar region, renal colic, urinary retention and other symptoms. The attack is usually accompanied by an increase in body temperature and often develops as a complication of nephrolithiasis (a disease accompanied by the formation of kidney stones).

Treatment and diagnosis of LMS syndrome depend on the cause of the pathology. For example, if the cause is due to stones in the ureter or renal pelvis, then treatment usually consists of surgical removal of the stones. In case of abnormal development of the ureteral system, a comprehensive examination is required to identify the causes of the pathology, prescribe conservative treatment or surgical intervention. Everything is determined by taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of his condition.