Symptom Physiogenic

A physiological symptom is a sign of a disease that is directly related to the anatomical process in an organ caused by the disease. For example, the symptom of physical density (hard) in liver disease or the symptom of soreness in abdominal angina. Unlike symptoms of mental illness, it reflects, first of all, the clinical manifestations of the disease throughout

Physiogenic symptom - according to the views of some doctors, changes in the psyche that occur during somatic diseases and psychogenic reactions to them. Clinical manifestations of mental illness, coinciding with objective disorders of physiological functions and anatomical structure; non-pathological mental disorders caused by somatic factors. The concept was first introduced by the Russian psychiatrist Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev (1857-1927), who, under the influence of C. L. F. Brock, proposed replacing the term “apatoabulic disorders” (“weakness of will”) with “psychogenic disorders”, since the absence of painful behavior does not allow us to assert that it is painful in psychiatry. V. M. Bekhterev conducted many years of research on neuroses and hysteria, in which a change in the state of the body affects the mental state of a person. Symptoms are usually divided into physiological and paroxysmal: * Physiological, or symptomatic