Serum Isoimmune

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Introduction to the topic Serum isoimmune (SI) is an innovative drug developed to treat patients with cancer. It is a combination of several drugs that protect the body from the effects of carcinogens. Although this treatment is experimental, it is of great interest to medical professionals and patients suffering from cancer. In this article we will look at the main characteristics of isoimmune serum and its effect on the human body.

What is isoimmune serum? Izoimmune serum is a complex of antiproliferative and anticancer peptides,

Isoimmune serum is an innovative remedy for fighting infections and inflammation. It is a concentrated preparation of human immunoglobulin, which has the ability to protect the body from infectious agents.

Isoimmune serum was created using advanced technology and consists of high quality ingredients. Its use helps the body cope with