Cow Blood Serum

Bovine serum is a product obtained from the blood of a cow, which is used for medical purposes for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. It contains antibodies against many viruses and bacteria, making it very effective in fighting infections.

The production of cow blood serum uses viral inactivation technology, which allows the destruction of infectious agents on the surface of the animal's blood cells. The blood serum is then treated with enzymes to clear it of impurities and remove plasma proteins that can reduce antibody activity.

Cow blood serum is produced in different countries of the world, but most factories are located in Russia. Some of the largest producers of serum are the St. Petersburg Institute of Vaccines and Serum Preparations and the Yekaterinburg State Production Preparation. They produce a wide range of products, including test kits for hormones, cancer diagnostics and other medical tests and drugs.

The main advantage of cow blood serum is its versatility. It can be used in various fields of medicine, such as gynecology, endocrinology, surgery and oncology. It can also be used in veterinary medicine to combat infectious diseases in animals.

However, like any other medical drug, the serum has its contraindications and side effects. Therefore, before use, you should consult your doctor and follow his recommendations.