Curtain Symptom

Urination is a natural physiological process that occurs in men thanks to the muscular system of internal organs, which provides wave-like contraction of the muscles of the urinary tract and ducts. The occurrence of diseases of the urinary system is primarily due to difficulties in the outflow of urine. As a result, obstruction and stagnation of urine develops, disrupting the functioning of the kidneys.

One of the signs of urethral obstruction is the “curtain” symptom - a visual picture, the observation of which is possible during cystography (X-ray examination of the bladder). The condition of the “curtain” syndrome is characteristic of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) - one

The “Curtain” symptom or slit-like sign is a clinical sign detected during transurethral resection (TUR) of prostate adenoma - a string in the form of a narrow strip is visible through the neck of the bladder, reminiscent of an improvised curtain. This impression is achieved due to pronounced scarring of the walls of the bladder neck after removal of the prostate tumor using the TUR method. In 58% of patients with a stricture of the urethral orifice and cystograms comparable to cystograms of patients with adenoma and bladder cancer, a true “curtain” symptom is formed. You should probably be wary when performing a TUR of the prostate during radiation treatment and make sure that the latter is performed correctly by determining the density of the linear burn of the skin of the anterior wall of the urethra. Along with the symptom of a “closed lock”, it is necessary to clearly determine the size of the surgical intervention on the part of the urethra to prevent transition to the inguinal canal in the case of postoperative urethral stricture, and at the symphysis pubis to prevent ectopia of the string. After removal of the adenoma, patients should be carefully monitored for the condition of the ureter.