Horse Serum Normal D/Bacteriologist Nutrient Media

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Horse serums are special substances that are produced in the blood of this animal. They can be used in medicine or veterinary medicine, and are also used in scientific activities. In this article we will talk about normal horse serum D/bacteriological nutrients.

Purpose of normal horse serum

According to the international standard, the normal name for serum is human; it must be hyperimmunized with human immune serum and reproduce the sterility of human serum. It is one of the most valuable nutrients of animal origin due to its high content of proteins and microelements. When producing serums from healthy cattle, various effects are achieved: Immunostimulation - increased antibody production; Activation of intestinal microflora; Restoration of muscles, joints, bones; Enriching the body with vitamins. That is why serum is included in many popular ointments and medications.