Serum Meningococcal Rabbit (Mengruvid)

Serum Meningicoccus Krolskie (MengRuVid) is a drug that is used for the prevention and treatment of meningitis. It is made from the serum of rabbits that have been vaccinated against meningitis. The drug contains antibodies that protect the body from meningonococcal infection.

How does MengRuvid work?

When MenguVid is introduced into the body, antibodies begin to fight meningitis microbes. In case of infection, antibodies attack pathogens and destroy them, protecting the body from their negative effects. However, like any other drug, MengroVid has contraindications for use. These include: - allergic reactions to the components of the drug; - severe liver diseases; - pregnancy and breastfeeding; - children up to 6 months; - increased sensitivity to penicillin antibiotics.

Menincococcal wing serum Mengrovid is a new tool in the fight against menicococcal infections. It is made from rabbit. How exactly this serum works is still unknown, but it is certain that it reduces the risk of contracting meningococcal infection. Mengruvid does not require injections and can be used intravenously or intranasally as nasal drops.