Taarnho Operation

Taarnho surgery is a method of brain surgery that was developed by Danish neurosurgeon Petr Taarnhoj ​​in the 20th century. This operation allows you to treat various brain diseases, such as tumors, cysts, hydrocephalus and others.

Taarnho surgery is performed by making a small incision in the patient's skull and then removing the affected area of ​​the brain or tissue that is causing the disease. The surgeon then fills the empty space in the brain tissue with a special fluid that helps relieve pressure on the brain and improve its function.

This is a very complex operation that requires a highly qualified surgeon and special equipment. However, thanks to Taarnho surgery, many patients were able to return to normal life after treatment.

Today, taarnho surgery is one of the most effective methods of treating brain diseases. It allows you to save the patient’s life and improve his quality of life.

Taarnho Operation is a Danish neurosurgeon of the 20th century. He is known for his achievements in the field of neurosurgery, as well as his work with patients suffering from various brain diseases.

Taarnho was born in 1937 in Copenhagen, Denmark. After graduating from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Copenhagen, he began his career as a neurosurgeon. In 1967 he became professor of neurosurgery at the University of Copenhagen.

One of the most famous operations performed by Taarnho was to remove a brain tumor from a patient who suffered from epilepsy. This operation was performed in 1974 and became the first successful operation to remove a brain tumor, which led to a complete cure for the patient.

During his career, Taarnho performed many other successful surgeries, including the removal of brain tumors, the treatment of aneurysms and hemorrhages. He also worked to develop new treatments for brain diseases and participated in international projects to research brain diseases.