Birth control pills for men name

Quite often, women are interested in whether there are birth control pills for men. Relatively recently, developments in the field of contraception were aimed exclusively at the creation of female drugs.

But medicine does not stand still, and now men can use pills on an equal basis with women. And today we’ll talk about what kind of contraceptive pills there are for men and what else, besides traditional condoms, the strong half of humanity can use.


Male birth control pills

This includes oral contraceptives intended for temporary sterilization. And the very first representatives of such drugs were products whose composition included cyproterone acetate.

Daily use of pills not only reduces the amount of sperm produced, but also makes a man temporarily infertile. After discontinuation of the drug, the volume and quality of seminal fluid return to normal levels.

The next category of drugs is products containing androgens and antiandrogens. While taking pills, all sperm completely disappear from a man's semen, and, as a result, he develops temporary infertility. But a side effect of taking it can be the development of cancerous tumors in the testicles.

The following male contraceptive pills contain both androgen and estrogen. Taking drugs reduces sperm quality, but at the same time increases sexual desire.


Drugs from this category can only be used for a month. Then the body should rest for 3-4 months. This long break is explained by numerous side effects. These include mental disorders and loss of interest in life.

Male oral contraception from the British

Relatively recently, British scientists created birth control pills for men. The product has not yet been commercially available, but scientists hope that this will happen in the next five years.

The product will not need to be taken daily; it is enough to take a pill immediately before sexual intercourse. The contraceptive effect lasts for several hours.

The drug is based on medications that are used in the treatment of hypertension and schizophrenia.


American development

Contraceptive pills for men (name CDB-4022) from American scientists belong to the category of non-hormonal drugs. They are recommended to be taken once a day. The drug does not allow sperm to ripen, but discontinuation of the drug allows the male reproductive function to be completely restored.

Israeli birth control pills

Modern contraceptives are completely unique means, the action of which is based on blocking a special protein in sperm. Without it, fertilization is impossible. In addition, contraceptives (according to manufacturers) do not have such side effects as decreased libido and sudden mood swings. The drug will only need to be taken once every three months.

These were considered male contraceptive pills. Now let’s get acquainted with other methods that have already been time-tested and have proven themselves to be excellent. Modern contraceptives are represented not only by the traditional condom or coitus interruptus.

Vasectomy - a radical method of contraception

Sometimes a man decides to completely protect his woman from unwanted pregnancy. In this case, doctors advise using a special procedure – vasectomy. This is a short surgical operation during which the man undergoes ligation of the spermatic cords. In some cases, complete removal of part of the seminal duct is performed.

3 months after the operation, the man becomes completely infertile, but all sexual functions are fully preserved. Visually, the seminal fluid looks the same as before, but there are no sperm in it.


The operation is recommended when a man reaches 35 years of age and has his own children. The main disadvantage of the method is its too high cost.

Sterilization performed surgically was considered irreversible. But now it is possible to restore a man’s reproductive function. In this case, the cut spermatic cords are stitched back together, and in 90% of all cases the man is again capable of conceiving a child.

Male contraceptive injections

Modern types of contraceptives are represented not only by the development of male contraceptive pills. Doctors are finishing trials of injections that block sperm production. Don't worry, this is just a temporary effect. The developers compare this type of contraception in terms of effectiveness with the previously discussed vasectomy procedure.

To ensure a contraceptive effect, a man needs to administer a drug consisting of the hormones progesterone and testosterone once every two months. After administration of the drug, the number of sperm in the male ejaculate decreases.

With this method of contraception, a man does not have any side effects. If you refuse to administer the drug, the quality of sperm returns to normal in the shortest possible time.


Classic protection - condoms

This type of protection against unwanted pregnancy is used by more than 50% of the entire male population of the planet. Contraceptives (the price depends on many factors, in particular the country of origin) are easy to use and are within walking distance. To purchase a condom, you should look at the nearest supermarket, store or pharmacy. This is what makes them such a popular male contraceptive.

The material used is high-quality latex, through which sperm cannot penetrate. The effectiveness of this protection option reaches 97%. Additionally, condoms provide reliable protection against HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

But, despite such high protective properties, condoms have a number of significant disadvantages. This:

  1. significant decrease in sensitivity;
  2. discomfort;
  3. the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction in both men and women;
  4. the existing likelihood of damage to the product during sexual intercourse.


But even taking into account all the shortcomings, every second man prefers to use condoms. Apart from an allergic reaction to latex, there are no other contraindications for the condom.

As you can see, the types of contraceptives that are available to men are quite numerous. And a woman can shift the responsibility for protection onto the shoulders of her partner. But remember that birth control pills for men should also be selected by a medical specialist.

In the world of pharmaceuticals, not only contraceptives for women have been developed, but also birth control pills for men. This is a comfortable type of protection against unwanted pregnancy for a sexual partner, which allows you not to use a condom and other protective measures. Doctors say that men should also take part in protecting women from unwanted conception, so they have developed a new product for men.

Are there birth control pills for men?

Male contraceptive pills were developed relatively recently. The development problem was that the effect on sperm must occur daily, whereas in the female version of oral contraceptives the active substance suppresses ovulation only on certain days.


At the moment, there is a wide selection of birth control pills for men, which can be classified:

  1. Spermatogenesis inhibitors. This type of drug is based on the suppression of gonadotropins. This includes active ingredients such as testosterone enanthate, nafarelin and progestin steroids. Substances can be used alone or in combination, and the drugs may cause side effects.
  2. Medicines that affect sperm activity. The tablets lead to a decrease in sperm activity. There are also a number of contraindications and side effects.

The best in terms of effectiveness and safety are considered to be those contraceptives for men that act on mature sperm: after stopping the drugs, a man’s fertility returns to normal.

Mechanism of action of male contraceptive pills

According to the group of birth control pills, their effect on the male body will vary. For example, spermatogenesis inhibitors contain steroid hormones. They suppress spermatogenesis and testicular function. With long-term use, such male contraceptives can inhibit the function of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones.

Comment! An increased level of testosterone in a man’s blood leads to a limitation of reproductive function, due to which a contraceptive effect is achieved.


Another group of birth control pills inhibits the spermatogenic epithelium and sperm enzymes. This leads to a decrease in their activity and mobility; such drugs are first taken in a reduced dosage. And then the content of the active substance is increased to maintain the contraceptive effect.

Advantages and disadvantages of oral contraceptives for men

Due to the fact that male contraception in the form of hormonal pills is only gaining momentum in popularity, doctors and patients themselves are gradually highlighting a number of pros and cons of this type of protection. The advantages include ease of use, as well as no need to go to the pharmacy in search of condoms. If a man takes birth control, his sperm will be inactive, therefore, there is no point in using a barrier method of birth control.

Important! One of the advantages is the complete restoration of reproductive function after discontinuation of the drug.

There are also disadvantages to this type of protection:

  1. libido decreases,
  2. other side effects appear
  3. not every man will take a pill every day, because many men are forgetful,
  4. poor compatibility with alcohol.

Not every man can give up alcohol for a long time, which seriously complicates the absorption of birth control pills. That is why scientists and developers are still trying to find the ideal formula for the drug.

Contraindications and side effects

Since male hormonal contraceptives are still in the development and testing stage, they have a number of contraindications and side effects. These include:

  1. Dry mouth.
  2. Weight gain.
  3. Skin greasiness.
  4. The appearance of acne.
  5. Dizziness.
  6. Stomach disorders.


Among the contraindications for use, doctors identify problems with the heart and blood vessels, a tendency to allergies, problems with the genitals, and impaired reproductive function.

Other methods of contraception for men

In addition to the birth control pills discussed above, there are other means of contraception for men. If you do not take into account interrupted sexual intercourse, this includes barrier contraception, contraceptive injections, gels, as well as surgery. You can learn more about this from the video:

Barrier contraception

The serious name “barrier contraception” means nothing more than the use of condoms. This set of protective measures received this name because of the method of protection: using mechanical or chemical methods, sperm are limited in penetration into the uterus. If chemical and mechanical options are used simultaneously, it will be called “barrier combined contraception.”


Comment! The main advantages of barrier methods are the minimal risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection, accessibility, and the possibility of use for diseases.

Condoms today come in a wide range: they vary in manufacturer, size, shape, color and even flavors. If you decide to choose a condom as contraception, it is better to give preference to proven brands.

Contraceptive injections for men

Along with contraceptive drugs are contraceptive injections for men, which also began to be used relatively recently. Their use began only after successful research. 1,000 men took contraceptive injections containing testosterone undecanoate for 2 years. Tea tree seed oil was used as a solvent for the substance.


The researchers came to the following conclusions and results:

  1. out of a thousand male subjects, only 1% of participants became fathers over the course of 2 years of the study - 10 people,
  2. when an injection is administered, the substance affects the production of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, inhibiting it,
  3. Because of this, there is less sperm.

The positive point lies in the fact that to return to reproduction it is enough to stop taking injections. In six months you can plan to have a child.

Contraceptive gel for men

Men rarely think about contraception, relying on the fact that the woman herself knows how to protect herself from unwanted pregnancy with the help of birth control pills. The most popular means remains the condom, but recently a special contraceptive gel has been gaining momentum.

Warning! The protection gel contains styrene-alt-maleic acid polymer dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide.


The principle of influence is as follows:

  1. before sexual intercourse, a man applies the gel to the genital organ,
  2. the substance fills the seminal ducts,
  3. closed channels prevent sperm from exiting.

The development of the gel was tested on rabbits, the study showed that such a contraceptive for men was effective. It does not contain hormones, so it does not pose a risk to men's health.

Vasectomy and vasoresection

Vasectomy or vasoresection is a type of surgical intervention when a man’s vas deferens is blocked. This step is a serious decision, since after the operation men will not produce sperm, however, this will not affect the male body. During vasoresection, the spermatic cords are separated. This procedure is carried out only according to doctor's indications. Therefore, if a man wants to undergo vasoresection at his own request, he will most likely be refused.


This method of contraception for men has the following advantages:

  1. Safety.
  2. Fast and easy operation.
  3. Quick return to normal life.
  4. Minimum complications.

The disadvantages of this method include the lack of protection against sexually transmitted infections, the possibility of side effects such as swelling of the scrotum, pain and inflammation.

Names and prices of birth control pills for men

Most contraceptive drugs for men are currently in development, however, there are 2 formulations that are already being marketed:

  1. "Gamendazole" - reduces male fertility, prevents sperm maturation. The drug is also used to treat cancer.
  2. "Adjudin" - blocks the production of sperm in the testicles, but does not affect testosterone levels.

Male contraceptive pills, the names of which are still difficult to find on sale, are still in the development stage, so it is impossible to indicate the cost. Taking medications on your own without prescription is highly discouraged - this can lead to negative consequences.

Reviews of birth control pills for men

Martynov Anton Maksimovich, 36 years old, Novorossiysk A friend works in the pharmaceutical field and constantly monitors new drugs. I was interested in male contraceptives in tablets, a friend told me about the new developments of the drug Adjudin. It is not on sale yet, but as soon as it becomes available I want to try it, especially after talking with the doctor, he recommended thinking about the drug. Benediktov Ruslan Andreevich, 32 years old, Kursk Previously, my wife protected herself from unwanted pregnancy, but recently I also decided to do my share of care. At first I tried a special imported gel to prevent sperm production - it suited me, but the price was too high. Now I want to try birth control pills - I hope they work for me.


Contraceptive pills for men are a new word in the modern field of contraception. This method allows you to refuse to use condoms, and non-hormonal drugs do not have a negative impact on a man’s health.

Most men prefer to think that the woman should take care of preventing an unwanted pregnancy. At the very least, this approach is simply dishonest towards the fair sex. If a man is responsible, then it is his responsibility to take measures to protect a woman from unplanned conception.

Types of contraceptives for men

In the age of advanced technology, there are many methods of contraception. Basic men's products are divided into the following groups:

  1. allowing to inhibit the maturation of sperm (male reproductive cells);
  2. blocking the process that allows sperm to form;
  3. preventing sperm from entering a woman's genital tract.

In order to prevent unwanted conception, men prefer various methods:

  1. abstain from sexual intercourse or prefer to interrupt it;
  2. use forms of barrier contraception such as condoms;
  3. use hormonal drugs;
  4. going for surgery.

Each type of male contraception has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Most men prefer to use condoms. This contraceptive is mass produced. The most common material for its manufacture is latex. It is impermeable to sperm. A condom is a kind of thin sheath that is put on the penis in an aroused state.


The main benefits of using condoms are:

  1. high efficiency of protection against pregnancy in a woman, which is approximately 97% (Pearl index - from 2 to 4);
  2. availability (sold in all retail chains);
  3. low cost, which makes it accessible to all categories of the population;
  4. the ability to protect not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from sexually transmitted infections.

The Pearl index (named after the US biologist Raymond Pearl) is an indicator of the effectiveness of the chosen method of contraception. It is calculated as the percentage of failures (pregnancy) when using one or another method per 100 women. The higher the Pearl index, the less effective the contraceptive is. Thus, condoms have a Pearl index of 2–4, which means pregnancy occurs when used in 2–4 cases out of 100.

In addition to the advantages, condoms also have disadvantages:

  1. there is a category of men who experience psychological discomfort due to interrupting the prelude to sexual intercourse in order to put on a condom; for some, at this moment the level of arousal may decrease;
  2. if they are put on incorrectly, there is a possibility of latex breaking or the product slipping (which often happens unnoticed by partners);
  3. there is no guarantee that a condom will be available at the right time;
  4. There are people who are allergic to latex.

I consider it the best contraception - I also took hormones, but my health went downhill on them, they decided - only condoms - 13 years of marriage - not a single unpleasant precedent. We only buy them at the pharmacy. If we wanted to give birth, we took them off))))


Video: how to choose and put on a condom correctly

Liquid condom

The product is available in a small can containing latex in a liquid consistency. The composition applied to the erect penis hardens quickly.


The advantages of liquid condoms include:

  1. the effectiveness of this method is as high as that of a regular condom - about 98%;
  2. provides a complete fit to the skin, eliminating the need to find the required size of the product.

The disadvantages of this method include the following:

  1. difficult to remove;
  2. hardening time is 1.5–2 minutes, which in a fit of passion may turn out to be too long;
  3. when the substance comes out of the can, it emits a characteristic hissing sound, which can spoil the romantic mood;
  4. high cost (from 2000 rubles).

Imagine this process of preparation for sexual intercourse. You and your husband were planning to do something interesting, but that didn’t happen. First you need to do some serious preparation. Also, the developers do not explain how to remove this new condom later. Maybe scrape it off with a knife or soak it in hot water?

Alena Kovaleva

Contraceptive gels

This type of contraception was introduced to the market not so long ago. The gel contains hormones of female and male origin. They block sperm production, which is reduced by 90%, for about 72 hours. In this case, the gel can be applied locally to any part of the body (during clinical studies it was used on the skin of the shoulder). After 72 hours, the hormones included in the gel are completely eliminated from the man’s body without causing side effects.

The product claims to be a revolution in the field of male contraception, but is not yet widely used due to ongoing clinical trials.

Male spiral

The male IUD is like a small umbrella that is inserted into the scrotum. The coil is inserted through the head of the penis.


The male spiral has a similar effect to the female one. However, this method has not yet gained popularity and is extremely rare, as it has not been fully tested. The effectiveness of the male IUD is expected to range from 87 to 95%.

Contraception through surgery (vasectomy)

Vasectomy is a kind of sterilization that preserves potency. The vas deferens are excised from both testicles, which is why sperm simply cannot enter the seminal fluid. After this procedure, the possibility of fertilization remains possible for up to twenty ejaculations. After this, the man becomes infertile. The result is irreversible. The procedure is entirely voluntary. After 20 ejaculations, 100% protection against pregnancy occurs (Pearl index - 0).

A vasectomy does not affect a man’s sexual function and does not change the volume of ejaculate (sperm normally make up only 1% of the seminal fluid). However, there are risks that adhesions and/or hematomas form in the testicles after surgery.

After I experienced this procedure myself, it takes longer to undress and dress than the surgeon's work. It’s even shameful to call a procedure an operation after which you immediately leave the doctor with two scratches on your scrotum, which you forget about the next day. Physiologically, the male organ is designed in such a way that it poses no problems either for his health or for medicine to permanently protect his woman from unwanted pregnancy. Just go to the doctor.

[email protected]

Birth control pills

Birth control pills for women are known to everyone, but quite recently this type of contraception has appeared for men. These drugs are also hormone based. The pills contain large doses of testosterone.

A great advantage of oral contraceptives is their effectiveness of about 99% (Pearl index - 0.03). If pregnancy is planned, the effect can be reversed. This will take a little more than six months. An important aspect remains the aspect of sensitivity, which is not lost during sexual intercourse, as, for example, when using condoms.

Polyurethane plugs

This is a microsurgical operation. Its essence lies in the fact that a substance based on polyurethane in a liquid state is injected into the duct intended for removing sperm. When it thickens, a plug forms in the duct, which prevents the movement of seminal fluid. This method has proven itself very well, its reliability is 99%. It may be considered a safer alternative to vasectomy.

The disadvantage is the aspect of medical intervention. The drug itself is still in the experimental stage.


Implants under the skin

An implant is a small object (rod), the length of which is no more than 2.5 cm. It contains hormones that are released into the body gradually and allow the suppression of sperm production.

The efficiency of this method is quite high, the Pearl index is 0.08. Disadvantages often include the lack of protection against sexually transmitted infections. In addition, as a result of use, general hormonal levels may be disrupted.


Birth control pills for men

To date, male oral contraceptives are under development and research. The difficulty is that the hormones contained in the drug must act on sperm every day. While female contraceptive pills are based on the effects of hormones only on the days of ovulation.

Conventionally, male contraceptive pills can be divided into the following classes:

  1. spermatogenesis inhibitor. The action is based on suppressing gonadotropins (hormones that regulate the function of the sex glands). The active substances are testosterone enanthate, progestational steroids, nafarelin. These substances are used in combination or separately. These medications often cause a lot of side effects;
  2. drugs that affect sperm activity, suppressing it.

Experts, through long-term studies, have found that the safest drugs are those that affect mature sperm. After the drugs stop entering the body, male fertility is restored.

How do male contraceptive pills work?

The effect of birth control pills on a man’s body varies depending on the classification of the drug itself. For example, sperm inhibitors suppress spermatogenesis (prevent sperm from being formed). It is worth noting that if a man’s blood contains a lot of testosterone, then his reproductive function is limited, which leads to the effect of contraception.

Another group of drugs affects sperm enzymes, which leads to a decrease in their motility. It is assumed that these drugs are initially taken in a minimal dose, and later it is increased, which allows maintaining the contraceptive effect.

However, this type of contraceptive may have side effects, such as:

  1. disruption of the functioning of the male cardiovascular system;
  2. formation of skin rashes;
  3. body hair growth;
  4. constant feeling of thirst;
  5. increased work of the sebaceous glands;
  6. gastrointestinal disorders.

Pros and cons of male oral contraceptives

The positive characteristics of oral male contraceptives include ease of use. There is no need to use other means of contraception.

The disadvantages include:

  1. decreased libido;
  2. presence of side effects;
  3. decreased contraceptive effect when skipping pills;
  4. inadmissibility of combining pills with alcohol;
  5. lack of protection against sexually transmitted infections.

Availability of purchase, prices of drugs

When talking about oral contraceptives for men, the most common names are H2-Gamendazole and Adjudin. Initially, these drugs were intended for cancer patients, but they were found to have a side effect - decreased fertility. At the moment, Adjudin is still being developed. It blocks sperm production, but this remedy is not hormonal. H2-Gamendazole is undergoing studies on mice, but humans are not yet allowed to study them.

Naturally, these drugs have not yet been released and it is not possible to get them. It’s also too early to talk about cost.

However, experts believe that prescribing such drugs as birth control pills for men is unsafe and unfounded. If the dosage is incorrect, they can cause serious harm to health.

There are other drugs:

  1. CDB-4022. American drug. It contains non-hormonal substances that prevent sperm from maturing. To achieve a contraceptive effect, the drug must be used for at least 4 months. It is impossible to find it on Russian territory. According to some reports, the product is at the testing stage;
  2. Cyproterone. It has a temporary contraceptive effect due to the suppression of spermatogenesis. A negative effect can be called a decrease in libido, as well as a negative effect on the kidneys and liver. The cost of the drug is from 1350 rubles. Before use, consultation with a doctor is required to prescribe the correct dosage;



By and large, we can conclude that the most effective and safe contraceptives for men are condoms. They protect not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from sexually transmitted infections. Other methods carry a lot of risks. Speaking about oral contraceptives, it should be noted that they can only be taken after consultation with a medical specialist. In other cases, great harm can be caused to the body.