Tafsiyya - tapsia

This is wild rue gum; sometimes this word is pronounced with the letter sa instead of ta.

Use only fresh tapsia; if it lies for a year, it will weaken and will not be useful, because the excess moisture in it will be absorbed.

It is very hot, scalding and very warming and drying. There is extraneous moisture in it and therefore it does not immediately burn.

Tapsia cleanses, relaxes, promotes the maturation and opening of tumors; Due to the presence of excess moisture, it burns only after a while. Tapsia is one of those medicines that strongly and sharply draws out the juices from the depths of the body, but this occurs only after a while due to its excess moisture. This medicine has no equal for changing nature towards warmth.

Tapsia causes hair growth and is very helpful against fox disease; it is rare to find a likeness to her in this respect. We have already mentioned its use in our place. Tapsia helps with bruising; it should not be left on them for less than an hour. It also helps against blemishes, blemishes and freckles.

Tools with joints.
It is lubricated for relaxation of joints, gout and cold joints; in case of inflammation of the sciatic nerve, an enema is given from it.

Breast organs.
Tapsia helps with coughing up pus, difficulty breathing and pain in the side, especially with old pain, if used in the form of an ointment, a medicinal dressing or a bowel movement. In the form of an ointment and when used carefully in licking medicines, it promotes expectoration of excess.

Eruption organs.
Tapsia root, bark and tear have a laxative effect. At one time they give three darakhmi to drink, squeezed juice - three obols, and tears - one darakhmi - if you abuse this medicine, it causes harm.

It is replaced by one third of its weight of tragacanth with an equal amount of seed cress.