Talk To Me In My Language

solve this problem.

  1. Tell me about your favorite things (toys, books, movies, music, food, places...).

This game helps the child express his interests and hobbies, share his thoughts and feelings. You can learn what is important to your child and understand him better. In addition, when your child feels that his interests are important to you, it increases his self-esteem and gives him a sense of satisfaction.

  1. What would you do in such a situation? (Describes a fictitious situation related to the child’s real problems)

This game helps develop a child's ability to solve problems and make decisions. He may feel more confident in situations where he will need to make decisions in real life.

  1. Let's play question and answer.

This game helps the child improve his communication skills and develop the ability to express his thoughts. In addition, the child can learn something new about you, and you about him.

  1. Tell me a story.

This game helps develop a child's ability to perceive and understand stories, and also develops his imagination and creativity.

Talking games help to establish a close relationship with your child, let him know that he is important to you and that you are ready to listen to him. This helps the child feel more confident and loved, and also improves his communication skills and develops his personality. It is important to remember that talking games should be harmless and not cause negative emotions in the child.