Talyshinsky Anesthesia

Talyshin anesthesia is an anesthesia method that was developed by Soviet otolaryngologist Alexander Mikhailovich Talyshinsky in the 1970s. This method is used to reduce pain during ear, nose and throat surgery.

Talyshin anesthesia involves the use of a special device that supplies air under pressure into the patient’s ear. This puts pressure on the eardrum and reduces pain. In addition, the device can also be used to remove fluid from the ear.

The Talyshinsky method has become widespread in Russia and other CIS countries. It is considered one of the most effective methods of anesthesia for ear and nose surgeries. However, like any other method of anesthesia, Talyshin anesthesia has its drawbacks and can cause side effects. Therefore, before undergoing surgery, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Talyshinsky Anatoly Mikhailovich – professor-otorhinolaryngologist-ophthalmologist. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Armenian SSR. He headed the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of Yerevan Medical University and the base of the ENT clinic number 1 “Chamber” at the Yerevan Medical University. Member of the AEN medical system "Science".

Head of the Department of Otiology of the Order of Lenin, Yerevan Medical Institute of the USSR Ministry of Health.

In 1961 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Direct laryngostomy surgery.” His main work is the monograph “Clinical Otoroneurology”, the first edition of which appeared in the “Medicine” publishing house in Russian, the second in Armenian. Participated in the publication of the three-volume manual “Diseases of the nose, throat, ear” (Moscow, 1976). He published the textbooks “Otoneurology” and “Manual of ENT Diseases,” which were reprinted several times.

Consultant doctor at the Supra clinic in Armenia. One of the authors of the national guide to otoneurology, the international scientific journal “Health. Medicine. Pharmacology", the leading scientific work "Retrograde maxillary sinusotomies" (1985), practical guidelines in the region. ophthalmological reception, a fundamental reference book on pathological anatomy. Member of the editorial board of the journals “Yerevan Medical Journal”, “Surgery”, “Healthcare. Medicine." and etc.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (12/1/1990), Professor of Medicine (1948). Academician AENM (13.6.2008).

Honored Scientist of the Armenian SSR (16.3.1956). Laureate of the Armenian Academy Awards