Tamoxifen Citrate

Tamoxifan Citrate (Tamsitrom) is a medicine that is used to treat various diseases associated with the male reproductive glands. It is an estrogen derivative and has antiestrogenic activity. The active ingredient in Tamsitron is Tamoxaphen Citrate. These are a type of cancer pharmaceutical drugs. Medicines containing tamoxcind include tamoxexen and gene. The laboratories that produce these drugs are usually located outside the United States - mainly in India and China.

According to the instructions, the drugs are hormonal but are used as antiestrogens to treat disorders such as breast cancer and prostate cancer. When used, it can suppress or soften the male sex glands and reduce testosterone. It is also used in the female reproductive system in the treatment of certain types of cervical and ovarian cancer. In this field, it is most often known as an artificial anti-estrogenic agent for women's menstruation.

Another group of indications for Tamsitrom is for fertility drugs, and doctors may prescribe it to treat women who want to become pregnant but are unable to give birth to a child. Before some new medications were available, this was a common method for conceiving a child. For men, this drug has the overall goal of reducing prostate growth and freeing up the prostate