Tantalum (Tantalum)

The chemical element tantalum (Tantalum, Ta) is a rare and heavy metal. Its name comes from the name of Mount Tantalus in Greece, where its first deposits were found. Tantalum occurs naturally in the form of minerals such as wodginite and columbite.

Tantalum has a high melting and boiling point, as well as high hardness and strength. It also has high corrosion resistance and does not oxidize. These properties make tantalum an ideal material for medical applications.

In surgery, tantalum is used to make threads and plates, which are used to correct defects in the skull bones, for example, in fractures and cracks. Tantalum threads can be used to fix bones and prevent them from moving. Tantalum plates can be used to close bone defects.

In addition, tantalum can be used in the production of electronic components and other high-tech products.

Tantalum is a rare heavy metal with a silvery-white color. Its use in medicine is due to its high corrosion resistance and machinability.

Tantalum has an atomic number of 73 and an atomic mass of 180.59. It belongs to the group of rare earth metals and has high chemical stability.

In medicine, tantalum is used to make surgical sutures and plates. These products are used to correct bone defects such as fractures or growth defects.

Surgical sutures made of tantalum have high strength and flexibility, which allows them to easily penetrate bones and fix them. Tantalum plates are also used to fix bones. They are highly durable and resistant to corrosion, making them ideal for use in applications where constant machining is required.

In addition, tantalum can be used in the production of medical implants, such as artificial joints or pacemakers. It is also used in the production of other medical devices such as catheters and needles.

Thus, tantalum is an important element in medicine and has many applications in surgery and other medical fields.

Tantalum is a rare heavy and fairly hard metal. The chemical name of this substance is thallium. The metal is extremely resistant and durable. It has a silvery-white hue. It got its name from the Greek words “tantum”, which means “permanent”.

The history of tantalum is connected with Ancient Greece. Since ancient times it was believed that the legendary Prometheus Cup was made from this metal. In addition, unique jewelry of high artistic value is made from tantalum alloys. But the most popular tantalum is the metal from heaven. This is a tantalum capacitor. Without it, it would be impossible to make a modern radio-electronic device. Other areas of its application are mechanical engineering, aviation and space industries.

The mechanical properties of tantalum are very high, and the heat capacity provides excellent electrical properties, abrasion resistance and machinability. It is these characteristics that influenced the area of ​​its use as a highly thermally conductive material in medicine for the treatment of bone defects. Pins are made from such metal raw materials, which are used in the treatment of bone injuries using osteosynthesis.