Tardieu Spots

Tardieu stain is a proprietary paste, the main active ingredient of which is bisabolol, which has an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect. There are two types of such paste: for external use and for removing stains. Both substances are suitable for combined cleansing of any skin type.

Tardieu stain-removing gel has not only a cleansing effect, but also a regeneration effect, which delicately removes uneven skin surfaces. You can use the product in the same way as a regular makeup remover paste or gel, applying it to the dirt and gently rubbing the stained area until the marks disappear. The paste copes with the removal of lipstick, blush, eye shadow and other cosmetics that often stain clothes.

The current composition of the gel is based on a complex of special substances that dissolve the spots themselves and completely remove them from the skin, while creating a protective barrier that prevents relapses. The gel should be applied specifically to the damaged area; it is advisable to first clean it of dirt and cosmetic residues with a cotton pad. This gel will also help stop an allergic reaction or other skin problems that have already begun. The product helps to quickly reduce them and gives a visible positive result with regular use. The package with the gel includes a special spatula, which