
Erythroblastogram: what is it and how is it used in medicine

An erythroblastogram is a test method that is used to determine the stage of maturity of red blood cells, or red blood cells. This method allows you to determine how mature red blood cells are and can be used to diagnose various blood diseases.

The term "erythroblastogram" comes from the word "erythroblast", which means immature red blood cell, and the Greek word "gram", which means recording or image. Thus, an erythroblastogram is a recording or image of immature red blood cells.

The erythroblastogram procedure involves examining the patient's blood under a microscope. The blood is applied to a glass carrier and painted with special paints. Then the number and stage of maturity of red blood cells are examined under a microscope. The results of the study are recorded in the form of an erythroblastogram.

An erythroblastogram can be useful in diagnosing various blood diseases such as anemia, leukemia and others. For example, with anemia, the maturity level of red blood cells may be low, indicating problems with their formation. In leukemia, erythroblasts can be detected in the blood, which is a sign of the disease.

An erythroblastogram can also be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment for blood disorders. During treatment, the maturity level of red blood cells may change, and monitoring these changes with an erythroblastogram can help determine how effective treatment is.

In conclusion, the erythroblastogram is an important research method in medicine, which allows one to determine the stage of maturity of red blood cells and can be used to diagnose and monitor various blood diseases. If you are faced with health problems related to blood, be sure to consult a doctor who will determine the need for an erythroblastogram and other necessary studies.

The picture of red bone marrow, which is due to the absence of myelocytes, metamyelocytes and band cells in the preparation (granulocytopenia), erythropoiesis occurs only from promegaloblasts, large polychrome proerythroblastic cells without inclusions, called megaloblastic erythroblasts, are found.