Pelvis Generally uniformly narrowed

Many pregnant women are concerned about the question: is it possible to give birth without tears and incisions in a child with a generally uniformly narrowed pelvis? Scientists have not yet established the reasons for the spread of this pathology, and how it arises also cannot be fully understood. In some cases, the disease develops on its own, while in others a connection can be found between a narrow pelvis and fetal underdevelopment. Outwardly, a child’s generally narrowed pelvis will look narrow. Straight in shape, not narrowing downward or transversely, the femoral head is completely enclosed by the acetabulum, but the dimensions of the latter (volume) are significantly smaller than normal. During childbirth, such newborns often experience ruptures, and a cesarean section with opening of the pelvic outlet becomes necessary only when the head is large, which is unlikely to contribute to the normal course of pregnancy. Recommendations can only be given to women suffering from this disease after a thorough examination of the patient by a highly qualified medical specialist. And if the doctor confirms the diagnosis of this disease, it is impossible to predict how the pregnancy will end.