Technefit, 99 Tc

Technefit (99Tc) is an isotope radiopharmaceutical used in medicine for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. It is highly radioactive and can be used to image various organs and tissues in the human body.

Technefit was developed in the 1970s and has since been widely used in medical diagnostics and therapy. It is one of the most effective isotopes for imaging the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and other organs.

To obtain technefit, nuclear fission is used, in which the nucleus of a uranium-235 atom is divided into two atoms, each of which has a smaller mass. This releases a large amount of energy, which is used to produce technetium-99m.

After production, technefit is administered to the patient through a vein or pulmonary artery. It then spreads throughout the body, where it accumulates in tissues containing large numbers of mitochondria. These tissues include the heart, liver, kidneys, lungs and other organs.

When technefit accumulates in the body, it emits gamma rays, which can be detected using special detectors. This provides images of organs and tissues, which helps doctors diagnose various diseases.

One of the advantages of technefit is its high specificity. It may only be used to image certain organs and tissues, while other isotopes may have a wider range of applications.

In addition, technefit has high stability and a long half-life, which ensures high efficiency of diagnosis and treatment.

Overall, Technefit is an important tool for medical diagnosis and therapy, which helps doctors identify and treat various diseases. It continues to develop and improve to become even more effective and safe for patients.