
**Tek**, a hydrocolloid adhesive filled with an analgesic gel composition **Texamen** brand **Farmakom, Russia** combines the ability to relieve pain and warm the damaged area, stimulate the resorption of the hematoma, restoring normal blood supply.

Thanks to its universal properties, **Tek** is an indispensable remedy for household injuries, sports sprains and other bruises. Thanks to its unique formula, the active components of **Tek*®** form a protective coating at the site of injury, which prevents the penetration of infection and activates metabolic processes. The product stops inflammation, cools, has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Pain during mechanical action disappears within 20 minutes after applying **Texoflex**, so the therapeutic effect can be expected 45 minutes after the first use of anesthetic glue. The procedure can be repeated every 4-6 hours to prevent the development of inflammation. Maximum results are achieved with once daily use. **Tex** is applied to clean, dry skin and adheres in the same way as a patch or adhesive tape. **Tekfox** can be completely removed with water or a regular washcloth after 30-60 minutes.