
Telangiectasia is a benign dilatation of small superficial veins with thinning and thinning of the skin due to damage to the blood vessels in the upper part of the lower extremities. It can also occur due to exposure to certain factors such as changes in atmospheric pressure, vibration, radiation, hydration, age factors and others. Symptoms of telangiectasia may include shallow, purple, pigmented veins on the face, chest, abdomen, limbs, and other parts of the body. Doctors may recommend therapeutic compression stockings, medication therapy, laser therapy, or open treatments to treat telangiectasia. The article will discuss the causes, symptoms, treatment and complications of telangioscatasia.

1. Definition and causes of telangioctasia

Telangiectasia: what is this pathology?

Telangiectsia is a vascular disease characterized by dilation of blood vessels and the formation of spider veins. This pathology is the most common form of vascular anomalies. Telangiectasias come in various sizes and shapes. They can appear on the face, neck, arms, legs, torso and even on the genitals.

Causes of Telangiectasia Spider veins can be caused by various factors. These include: genetic predisposition, injury, taking medications (including hormonal), venous diseases, high blood pressure